In the second installment of the “Billy the Friendly Blue Bird” book series, Billy puts on his astronomers cap and teaches Roman and Nick about the solar system, planets, and outer space.
It is a fun-filled adventure which children of all ages will enjoy. Author Jay Fowler brings you “Billy the Friendly Blue Bird and His Outer Space Adventure.”
Publication date
May 04,2023
979-8-88963-186-6 (E-BOOK)
Action and Adventure, Children's Book / Picture Book
Interior Color
Full Color
Book Size
11.000" x 8.500" (216mm x 280mm)
About The Author
Billy is a treasured member of six-year-old Roman’s family. They play together. They help each other. They make each other smile, laugh, and enjoy talking about life’s adventures and most of all, have fun together.
In this second Billy the Friend Blue Bird adventure, author Jay Fowler introduces a new character, Roman’s friend, Nick.
Billy the Friendly Blue Bird and His Outer Space Adventure is Jay Fowler’s second book in the Billy the Friendly Blue Bird book series. His first book Billy the Friendly Blue Bird is still available on Amazon and other online book stores, as well as Audible.
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