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Conservative Views 101 Plus

Conservative Views 101 Plus

by Alex Gall

About The Book

Conservative Views 101 Plus is a series of essays that address contentious issues and other pertinent topics. Topics include eminent domain, stop and frisk, big-city policing, removal of confederate statues, stopping anarchy, Muslim immigrants, judge shopping, tainted police evidence, ways to escape prosecution, stopping political agitators, implementing the law, wind power, the American Civil Liberties Union, biased political interviews, deterring terrorists, Russian collusion, security lapses, slavery, economic stimulus and the infrastructure, George Soros, unemployment, health care, hacking, useful collusion, status of the press (media), the US-Iranian nuclear agreement, the phenomenon of Donald Trump with his taxes and tweets, firing the FBI director, progressive ideas including tax and spend, and the ever-popular divisiveness and racism. Can it get any better than that? Yes, it can!
ISBN 978-1-64376-544-0 (Paperback)
978-1-64376-543-3 (E-BOOK)
Pages 250 pages


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