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Dark Yesterdays Bright Tomorrows

Dark Yesterdays Bright Tomorrows

by Lionel B. Harris

About The Book

As a Texas-based soldier in the U.S. Army who is but twenty-three years old and black as well, Corporal Tyrone Lattimore is generally regarded as soft-spoken, intelligent, highly proficient, and compassionate. In some circles, however, the corporal is perceived as an enigma—a man who marches to the beat of a different but benevolent drummer—and that, alternately, makes him a very controversial figure. Seemingly, he has no inhibitions, no hidden agenda, no feelings of ill will or animus, and exudes an insatiable love for his fellowmen regardless of race, religion, or gender. He's acutely aware that everyone has a special story, sometimes easy and sometimes hazardous, and he stands ready to help them navigate through it. To him, it's an engrained calling.

Publication date January 12,2023
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-788-8 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction, Contemporary
Pages 608
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

mobile 3143078776


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