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Days of Blood and Thunder

Days of Blood and Thunder

by Thomas Tipton

About The Book

The soldiers of the Wolf Pack may not have used the word crossroads when faced with the prospect of pursuing their enemies across the Sea of Storms, but not all of them are thrilled with the orders to board the warships. They have pushed the Darklords and the Forsaken from their lands, fending off vicious assaults and bearing the scars of every battle won and lost in their crusade. All they want now is a little of the peace for which they have fought for so long. The Wolf Pack creed has always demanded they follow their standard, though, and Falcon has decided to carry it across the sea and take the war to their enemy's door.
Publication date September 02,2020
Language English
ISBN 978-1-64908-265-7 (Paperback)
978-1-64908-264-0 (E-BOOK)
Pages 560
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6*9


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