This story begins with a message from the past by the last two human hybrids who bring the beginning of the Paradox. These two humans are following orders from an advance alien race in hopes to send a message to a far-off world in another timeline. The scientists of Alpha Prime have used all their technology to reach the Ring Galaxy which promises to bring prosperity to the hungry worlds of Alpha Prime. They set out with three ships from different corporations. Each group has its own agenda which causes a disaster.
Only Mrs. Nightshade knows the truth about the dangers that live in Ring Galaxy. She becomes obsessed with saving the human race.
Humankind falls by bringing its own demise because of greed and its hunger to dominate weaker beings. Humans have developed clones and cyborgs in hopes of building the first Earth-type colony in another planet. But Mrs. Nightshade knows that the creatures on this planet are more powerful. She attempts to intervene, only to bring more danger to Alpha Prime. She attracts dark forces deadlier than anything humans can imagine. A few allies with telepathic abilities see the new danger. However, they are spread throughout time and space.
They start the long process to free humans and other races from their evil captors. They know the dangers of altering time, but they still try to slowly integrate into the human race through their DNA. They use ancient Earth to bring out the first human hybrid to eventually battle the dark forces at the final battle.
Details | |
Publication date | May 20,2022 |
Language | English |
ISBN | (Paperback) |
979-8-88622-278-4 (E-BOOK) | |
Genre | Fiction, Science Fiction |
Specifications | |
Pages | 268 |
Interior Color | Black and White |
Book Size | 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm) |
I was the youngest of five children from a middle-class family. In my early youth, I had a medical problem with my eyes. My mother would read me books of children’s fairy tales, during the year and a half after my operation. Over the years, I developed a natural gift for storytelling and gathered groups of children to recite fairy tales that enthralled both the children and their parents.
I am the product of the late fifties that moved through the change in times from the Beatles, Neil Young and AC/DC. I listened to more music than this, but I am allowed only three hundred words to share my life’s interests with you.
Some of my poems were like ballads, especially the love notes in my black book. However, the girls would smirk by describing my voice sounded like Mickey Mouse, so I went to pen and wrote them down. I gave them flowers or wrote them on friendship cards. I am influenced by politics and events throughout our world. I could have been a rocket scientist or a flower child. However, I went on my own path, as is the way of many of us who ride the roller coaster of life.
On special occasions, I would recite my poetry at the drop of a hat. Most were somber or funny with dry humour. Most were about the pursuit of dating girls during my younger years. I thought they were good and kept them over the years.
I can only hope that you will enjoy them. Here is a short poem I’ve seen a Friend.
Close your eyes, clear your mind, and just imagine.
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