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Faith in Action

Faith in Action

by Lois Lund

About The Book

These stories were told to me by my friends and family. I've had to struggle with my disability for a long time. I want to write this book, I hope you find it interesting. It's from parts of my life that I've treasured. Especially with my relatives that I didn't know because we lived so far away, 550 miles away, from Indiana to Iowa. I loved our family vacations. You will find some stories from the bible. I hope you will see how important that book is to me. I have trouble every day. but I know He's in my life and without Him, I would not live. I know you have times when you've needed help. For a while, I couldn't even pray. I knew better but I had lost hope. I've had such help from the Veterans. I have friends now. And I trust those whom I know will be O.K. Please read the Biblical stories thoughtfully. They are scriptures passed down from six or seven thousand years ago.

Publication date June 05,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-64908-996-0 (E-BOOK)
Genre Nonfiction, Autobiography/Biography/Memoir, Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Pages 40
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)


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