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G-D's Physics

G-D's Physics

A Newly Perfected Universe

by Jehonathan Bentovish, PhD

About The Book

G-D's Physics portrays the great scientific revolution taking place in Twenty-First Century Theoretical Physics based on its discovery of a singular higher Universal Consciousness Principle (UCP) which continuously creates, dissolves, recreates, and evolves every small pixel in the universe billions of times each second. This profound scientific understanding is important not only in fulfilling Einstein's quest for a Unifying Field Theory, unifying all the forces of nature, but also in giving humanity a great and new hopeful vision and understanding of the universe as being guided and cared for by this singular UCR towards a perfected moral and spiritual state of the world. This principle highlights our important role as human beings within this perfected geulah state of humanity and the world!

Publication date September 23,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-628-7 (E-BOOK)
Genre Nonfiction, Science and Technology, Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Pages 158
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)


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