"God Says Yes 91 Times" has a number of categories of famous prayer requests including the following: advertising and promotion, careers, celebrities, entertainment, food, health and medicine, inventions and innovations, money and finance, Mother Nature, politics and government, religion, transportation, and miscellaneous. There's a chapter on healing principles, how do I pray, prayer life guidelines, and finally spiritual reflections and observations.
Publication date
August 02,2022
979-8-88622-497-9 (E-BOOK)
Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Interior Color
Black and White
Book Size
6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)
About The Author
Mary has worked as a graphic artist and in the field of home health care. Her writing projects include a spiritual book about prayer requests answered "yes". She also wrote a solar power advertising ideas book. In process are two animated cartoons for children about a child dinosaur. Another project in process is a series of television ideas where God comes to the rescue in His unique way. It would be a future television series.
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