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Healing Broken Bonds

Healing Broken Bonds

by Shirley J. Gilbert, Ph D

About The Book

Every human path is different. It is fraught with unseen people, events and circumstances for all of us as we walk through time. During our journey, we bond with some, are repelled by others and protect our instincts to survive whatever or whoever crosses our path.

Unseen events are the stuff of which life is made. It surprises most of us. We all hear stories of things that are only supposed to happen to other people. It is never supposed to be part of our journey. Tragedy strikes. Heartbreak falls on us. Survival becomes our most difficult opponent. Trauma is realized.
It is the greatest of human privilege to bond with others. It is also the greatest pain when those bonds are broken. The bonds are fragile and deserve our utmost loving care. When they break, our hearts break also.
This is a story of broken bonds and broken hearts. It is about two precious little girls who form a forever bond that is challenged by the gates of hell. It is a story of survival, hope, victory and healing of broken hearts and broken bonds. It is a reminder that bonding is a gift we must protect with our soul.

Publication date October 20,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-648-8 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction
Pages 116
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)


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