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My Life as a Sickle Cell Warrior

My Life as a Sickle Cell Warrior

Important Secrets You Were Never Told

by Patricia Maley

About The Book

Walk a mile in the shoes of a sickle cell warrior, who hoped to fulfill her calling in this world through thick and thin. No matter the pain and the scars she fought to blend in like all the normal human beings.

Almost everything she did was through 'survival mode'; at work, at home, in school and with the community.
You will discover how this bloodborne disease knocks her down and even makes her vulnerable numerous times and then, unexpectedly - she encounters a brush with death.

Through her focus, courage, gratitude nature and zealous attitude was she able to accomplish so much successfully.

Publication date May 13,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-012-7 (E-BOOK)
Genre Self-Help
Pages 188
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Patricia Maley was raised in a Luo tradition which emphasizes strong family values. She is a professional technical analyst who enjoys spending part of her spare time experimenting with traditional healing herbs. She has also knocked her guests socks off with her total authentic dishes. She is the founder and one of the few partners at JR MALEY ENGINEERING a loved small business at the heart of Maryland, the USA where she spends her time as a technology enthusiast. Designing, developing and resolving website application issues.

During her free time, she writes books such as, "WoW! Kate Can Do It!" Children's book.

Patricia Maley has been blessed with two children; a daughter and a son. Who are very active in sports..". When God blessed her with the best gift of all, her daughter. She was inspired to write and pass the secrets on how she has managed to beat the disease so that other sickle-cell warriors around the world would also have endless opportunities.


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