My Little Pumpkin is one of West Hand's most intriguing, mind-provoking, and captivating stories for children. The story is about a three-year-old kid, George, who wanted not just any pumpkin but a little pumpkin—to be precise—for Halloween. So his parents took him to his grandparents who own pumpkin fields. George not only gets to see his grandparents' big and beautiful fields but also spends quality time with them. They cherish their time spent together with laughter, care, unconditional love, endless giggles, and not to forget, little pumpkins for Halloween.
This is the best bedtime story for kids. This book instills the beauty of relationships, strong familial bonds, and intricate emotions like love that nourish their souls with the richness of heartfelt sentiments and deep compassion, shaping them into better grown-ups.
Publication date
May 16,2023
979-8-88963-257-3 (E-BOOK)
Fiction, Children's Book / Picture Book
Interior Color
Full Color
Book Size
8.500" x 11.000" (280mm x 216mm)
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