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New Year

New Year

by Bonnie Grill

About The Book

This memoir details the author's experiences and growth in the year after her husband's sudden death. As she untangles the complex web of emotions around losing a beloved partner who struggled with health problems and alcohol addiction among other things, she remembers good times and commemorates the positive impact he had on the world. She also compares her grief at the image of her mother, stricken with dementia, to the signs of earl dementia exhibited by her husband, and she examines family relationships, broken and healed, on both sides. This thoughtful memoir is a realistic look at the grieving process, our societal expectations of the bereaved, and the Christian challenge to love and forgive our complicated and very human companions on this earth.

Publication date December 06,2022
Language English
ISBN 979-8-88622-796-3 (Paperback)
979-8-88622-797-0 (E-BOOK)
Genre Nonfiction, Autobiography/Biography/Memoir
Pages 200
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)


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