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by Milcah Yann

About The Book

Rêv'Evolution is a collection of thoughts written by different authors. Through several feathers, we get hooked on epic tales, noble thoughts, economics, politics, history... Beyond the cognitive, the social dominates the authors' vision, encouraging a general awareness. It is a valiant and strong youth that joins hands together, after becoming aware of their qualities and moral value. These authors refuse fate and do not surrender. Categorical refusal to suffer. Optimism to sell. Faith, devotion, positivism. These young men and women strongly reject introspection, intuition, and any metaphysical approach. These young people rely essentially on verified facts to paint the world as it is, between dreams and evolution of their condition; for a better future…

Publication date October 14,2021
Language English
ISBN 978-1-63871-615-0 (Paperback)
978-1-63871-616-7 (E-BOOK)
Genre Contemporary
Pages 126
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.500" x 8.500" (216mm x 140mm)

About The Author

Milcah Yann is a bilingual author (French, English) who likes to write on topics that fascinate debates and make the news. Among other things, love, religion, politics are subjects to which she commonly refers because they are an integral part of her life. Passionate about words and rhythms, she has made this new collection a hymn to love and solidarity. A balm in the heart of the one who seeks for comfort. Although tinged with truths that leaves no one indifferent. She is a Public Relations who is pursuing her graduate degree at Georgetown University in the USA, where she has been living since 2016, after
arriving as a refugee.

Milcah Yann est une Auteure bilingue (Français, Anglais) qui aime à écrire sur les sujets qui passionnent les débats et font l’actualité. Entre autres l’amour, la religion, la politique sont des sujets auxquels elle se réfère couramment car faisant partie intégrante de sa vie. Passionnée de mots et de sonorités, elle à
fait de ce nouveau recueil un hymne à l’amour et à la solidarité. Un baume au cœur de celui qui y cherche du réconfort. Quoique teinté de vérités qui ne laisse personne indifférent. Elle est une Relations Publique de profession qui poursuit son cycle supérieur à Georgetown University aux USA, où elle vit
depuis 2016, après y être arrivée en tant que refugiée.


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