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Rocky Raccoon and His Raiders Vs. The Prowlers

Rocky Raccoon and His Raiders Vs. The Prowlers

by Janet H. Councilman

About The Book

My book, "Rocky the Respectful Raccoon and His Red Sunglasses" is the first in a series of six books dealing with the character traits taught in elementary schools.

Each story has characters facing dilemmas that end on a positive note. I was encouraged by the Guidance Counselor in my elementary school where I worked as a teacher assistant for eleven years.

My books are a positive role model for young students to learn right from wrong and be motivated to read each story and share with their friends. I was asked to paint on the walls in my school to encourage the students to read and study everyday. All the students were very excited to see the murals progress each week.

Publication date September 24,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-587-0 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction
Pages 24
Interior Color Full Color
Book Size 4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)


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