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Sibyl's Song

Sibyl's Song

by Arlene Sager Freesemann

About The Book

Almost 100 years old!! Joyce said to me, “You are so cute.” Me cute? I was never called cute when I was a little girl, and now that I am almost 100 years old, I am cute? This really gives me a chuckle. I am sitting at my daughter’s home in my own recliner that was brought from my house. They took me kicking and screaming from my home, not literally but inside. Someone took my most prized possession, my sewing machine, which, even if it is a treadle sewing machine, it has brought me much joy. I sewed many of my dresses on it and when I started making cloth dolls it served me well. I made over 100 cloth dolls and for each doll, I made dresses, bonnets, booties, and bloomers. I gave them to anyone who wanted to have a cuddly doll to hold. I taught the little girls next door how to sew doll clothes, a skill they can take into adulthood, I hope. I have written my childhood memories many times. I still like to go back in time in my mind. I can’t get around as fast as I used to, even if I walk often for exercise. I can still read and pray and think of the dear friends I left behind that met in my home most Sundays for fellowship. I always brought my sweet rolls to the potlucks we shared. We had good visits and laughter. I love remembering the ministers whom I had in my home through the years. What a privilege it was. The spirit they showed by their life encouraged me in my faith. I have had a good long life. The sad times I can’t forget, and it makes me almost cry. I will never forget when my baby died, waking up and finding her cold. Or the terrible time my son got run over and died. There was much horror and sorrow when my daughter and her family were burned in a plane crash. I lost my three grandchildren and dear Ginna was burned so badly. It has been 30 years since my husband died suddenly. Ruth lived with me for eight years, but her heart gave out and she died. LeRoy’s body could no longer work because of the ravages of myotonic muscular dystrophy and he is gone. Only three of my children left. I can’t face losing another one. I still remember what my Grandpa told me. He said whenever you are sad or have the blues, just get busy and do nice things for others. It will take your thoughts off of yourself. I read books that take me to places that I can only travel to in my mind. Once while staying with my granddaughter I was so engrossed in a book and right when it got to a scary part she gave out a big sneeze and it made me jump.
Publication date December 13,2019
Language English
ISBN 978-1-64376-685-0 (Paperback)
978-1-64376-684-3 (E-BOOK)
Pages 138
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6*9


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