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The Consultant in Sea Isle City

The Consultant in Sea Isle City

by LB Robbins

About The Book

This is the story of Frederica, the former staff member of a prestigious New York City trading company who worked in the IT department on Sixth Avenue.

She has a different expectation of what to expect of her upcoming marriage. It includes a home and a garage outside of the city, hopefully, it will be the  Victorian home of her dreams, one she dreamt of as a child in New Jersey.

She rashly purchases one on the way home from a weekend in Cape May with Ron, Her fiancé and they both discover things heretofore unknown about each other.

Life can be just as complicated in small towns as in the big city, even more so.  Evil can occur anywhere.

An unexpected ally turns up to help her.  Her quest changes to one of learning to Discover more about him, and everything becomes brighter than before. 

Publication date July 07,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-315-9 (E-BOOK)
Genre Mystery/Crime
Pages 44
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)

About The Author

I have grown up on the Jersey shore and spent much time in New York City as most of us do.

I was married for many years to a scientist of the US Navy.  We spent many years traveling in defense projects and it was a very exciting life.  Many of my stories are a result of this traveling.  He trained me in computers as well, so this is a true story.

I thought it was worth writing about.  I miss him very much.


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