This is a story about a boy named Charlie. His journey included experiences with unseen angels -- having one and being one. Charlie’s journey began as a very traumatized young child. His journey took him on a crooked path and he eventually became a neurosurgeon. (which Charlie viewed as a greater miracle than Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead). Charlie, like all of us, will never know what the outcome will be with those whose life path intersects our own. In the life of every human being, there are numerous others who exert influences on us, both positive and negative. They will always be very significant in affecting the choices we make, the character we build and the outcomes they produce. Sometimes we don’t reach any kind of realization of our journey until we look back on our lives in retrospect. It is then that we begin to put the pieces together of the people and their impact on who we have chosen to become. As we make those choices and take responsibility for them, the goal is to finish with as few regrets as possible. Charlie’s life demonstrates these goals. In order to really understand ourselves, it is essential that we look carefully at all of the pieces and the players in our lives. Some are negative. Some are positive. Some are not yet known. Some are unseen angels who know how to lead us out of the shadows into the light.
Publication date
September 17,2021
978-1-63871-559-7 (E-BOOK)
Nonfiction, Religion/Spirituality/New Age
Interior Color
Black and White
Book Size
4.000" x 6.000" (152mm x 102 mm)
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