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The Way of Spiritual Warfare

The Way of Spiritual Warfare

When Fighting the Good Fight of Faith

by St Misha'el-Yeriah Ben Dan

About The Book

The book is meant to be a truth sharing guide in how to fight the Good Fight of Faith that scripture speaks of, with expert-level knowledge. In order to teach the so-called Negro (Israelites & Christians) people, scattered throughout the four corners of the earth, their slavery to the real-time Matrix can end when they learn to love one another with the love of Yah God of Israel. From my own personal awakening to the final battlefront, when our Master Yahoshua enters in, to war for us and those who blessed us amongst the Gentiles. This is to be read of those who will study to show themselves approved and follow the Holy (Set-Apart) Spirit!

Publication date April 15,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-023-3 (E-BOOK)
Genre Social Sciences
Pages 132
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)


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