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The Wrong Side of Bravery

The Wrong Side of Bravery

by Marshall Ginevan

About The Book

Mike Marshall, a Marine’s Marine, volunteered for Viet Nam to avenge the death of his Marine father who was killed in combat.  He was tough and aggressive, taking the fight to the VC and NVA, - until the war ended.  But did this ruthless fighter become too comfortable with killing?

When he earned his wings in the F-4 Phantom fighter, his aggressive flying earned him the call sign “Killer.”  

This is the story of hard-fought combat on the ground and in the life of a Marine aviator, all mixed with military humor and the women in his life.  But when this Marine joined the DEA to fight the war on drugs, his aggression and his ease in killing brought him to – The Wrong Side of BRAVERY!

Publication date November 18,2020
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-64908-497-2 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction, Action and Adventure, Contemporary
Pages 292
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Marshall Ginevan grew up in southwestern Pennsylvania. He joined the Air Force after high school where he worked in law enforcement After leaving the Air Force, he worked in both federal law enforcement and at a city police department. He is a pilot,owned an aircraft and an aviation company in Texas, and retired from airport management. He taught college classes and has been a writer for over twenty-five years. He is now living back in Pennsylvania.


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