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West, by Southwest

West, by Southwest

by Joann Klusmeyer

About The Book

The little girl, barely having passed her third birthday, stood alone on the wooden pier facing the cutting wind off the Atlantic Ocean.  Beside her was a small worn suitcase.  Between her and the wind stood a large yellow dog, its fur being ruffled and tossed by the force of it.

She watched both ways and when she saw him coming, she brightened.  Ã¢â‚¬Å“I knew you were going to come soon.  I’m getting really cold.”

The man looked both ways to see who she was speaking to, and saw no one. He looked back at the girl he had never seen before, as she drew one leg upward like the gulls, perhaps for a bit of warmth under the ill-fitting coat..

His first thought was that she should be wearing padded leggings like little girls wear to keep warm.  His next thought was a question.  What was she doing here alone?

Third thought, also a question:  What was he going to do about it?

Publication date August 17,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-460-6 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fantasy
Pages 248
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Joann was born in the mountains of Arkansas in 1933, in the height of the depression, into the family of a pioneer minister. She was attracted to pencils and paper from the time she learned not to poke pencils in her eyes, and that paper did not taste particularly good.

Having an older sister who aspired to be a school teacher, she became a class of one and was expected to master reading at a very early age. Books became the magic that would transport her into another life, and she read and re-read the few that were available until they were limp scraps. It was about then that more stories began to develop within her own head, along with simple rhyming verses. This book is one of the stories.

Her father’s occupation as a minister, by necessity, put her in church several times a week, where she practically cut her teeth on a church bench, so to speak. There was the small country church that her father built and pastored for years, and later the other churches where he was called, and in that way, she became uniquely positioned to meet a lot of people on a regular basis, and appreciate the hard-working settlers who pioneered the land in America’s midwest.


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