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You Don’t Want to Lose Your Girlish Figure: A Struggle with Childhood Obesity

You Don’t Want to Lose Your Girlish Figure: A Struggle with Childhood Obesity

by Kathleen C. Fleming

About The Book

The book gives a real-life example of how people view a person who is overweight, especially women when they expect you to look a certain way for your age and gender. Being female in American culture puts a lot of pressure on girls and adult women to present themselves physically as slim and attractive. In my case, I present my childhood experience of obesity and how it impacted my life and what women around me thought about my physical appearance as a way to inform and help people become knowledgeable about the stigma people put on obesity.
Publication date July 14,2021
Language English
ISBN 978-1-63871-066-0 (Paperback)
978-1-63871-065-3 (E-BOOK)
Pages 76
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6*9


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