Chuppa and his family are just the average wolves living in Yukon, Canada. Their normal lives soon change when extraordinary events lead them to the center of an upcoming war on humanity-a war bent on restoring a balance long since forgotten. In the beginning, all of the species living on Earth were each assigned a God to prevent one from dominating the rest. As a result of the death of the human God, the balance in power was thrown off, and over centuries of dominance the fate of the planet is in danger. One God took it upon himself to restore things to the way they were by giving his species, wolves, a genetic boost in order to eliminate the threat. Through the most profound circumstances, the story follows Chuppa's journey to becoming virtuous in a torn world.
Publication date
July 20,2023
979-8-88963-427-0 (E-BOOK)
Fiction, Action and Adventure
Interior Color
Black and White
Book Size
6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)
About The Author
35 Richard Ct SW #241 Calgary, AB T3E 7N9
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