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Rhymes That Don’t Rhyme

Rhymes That Don’t Rhyme

Could It Be True? Was I Abducted, Given Secrets to Reveal to You?

by Pete Hotep

About The Book

Rhymes that don't rhyme is a collection of poems written over time from thoughts that came to my mind, it's rooted in African American, African Spirituality, African History, and Black Unity, some of the poems are extremely Erotic Poetry and some shine light the Conspiracy Theories against the African American community, some offer solutions to these key issues and point of views, mainly it's a conversation piece that offers hope and relief!

Publication date February 24,2024
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88963-759-2 (E-BOOK)
Genre Poetry
Pages 228
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)


Mr.Hotep I’d say you out done yourself with this very interesting piece I definitely felt like I was there with you while I was reading I recommend you to a see for yourself a different level of poetry
- Krista Mar 10, 2024

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