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Success At Work

Success At Work

A Practical Guide for Succeeding at Work

by Dr. Maxwell Ubah

About The Book

Written in an easy to read manner with multiple case studies, real-life examples, and practical solutions, Dr. Maxwell Ubah has written a relevant, timely, and excellent book for everyone, from the C-suite to the frontline, to help them find meaning and become more productive at work.

In this book, you would learn:
• The four components of real work
• The six reasons for work
• The role of leadership and work
• How to deliver excellent work
• How to manage your boss

Publication date November 23,2021
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
978-1-63871-714-0 (E-BOOK)
Genre Nonfiction, Self-Help
Pages 160
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.500" x 8.500" (216mm x 140mm)


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