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The Hornet's Nest

The Hornet's Nest

by Arthur Howard Jackson JR.

About The Book

In 1860 Prince Georges County Maryland there were an estimated 12,000 Negro Slaves on Plantations throughout the County. Tobacco was the main crop. And the free labor of slaves allowed many White Landowners to become wealthy. Prince Georges County had the largest number of Slaves in the State of Maryland. After the Emancipation Proclamation, Black Families like mine faced segregation, voter suppression, abuse, and even killings. And the practice of segregating the County Schools even after the 1954 Brown vs The Board of Education the United States Supreme Court ruling outlawing separate but equal schools. The Hornets Nest is about Historic Fairmont Heights High School, Prince Georges County Md’s first Public Funded High School in the county. Opened in September 1950 as a Senior/ Junior
High School for the County’s growing Black Student Population.

This book explores the experiences of Black Students, Teachers, and Administrators at Historic Fairmont Heights High School in the Shadow of Our Nations Capital, The Hornets Nest is about the evolution of a school open for negro schools into a Black Education Powerhouse Leader in Academics, Sports, Competitive Debates, Law, Science, Medicine, Government, Business Politics and Public Service throughout the United States.

Publication date February 28,2022
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88622-046-9 (E-BOOK)
Genre Fiction, Contemporary
Pages 80
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)

About The Author

Born in the Bronx, New York City to a Sargent in US Military Police, Arthur Howard Jackson Sr and a Train Greeter, Minnie Mc Chesney Jackson. The family along with Rosita Elaine Jackson moved to the Washington Area in 1959. They relocated to the Town where Arthur Sr. was born, the Town of Fairmount Heights Md., a Historic Black Town located on the Maryland Washington DC Line. Business and Public Service Career extends more than five decades. Elected at age 16 to the Prince Georges County Model Cities Planning Board. Youngest Reporter in the history of the African American Newspapers. Served on the Board of Governors of The. A.C.L.U. , Vice Chairman Region VII NAACP, Montgomery County Cable Compliance and Transportation Commissioner. Actor Film Credits the Pelican Brief, Mars Attack, People vs Larry Flynt and Rustin. Chief Executive Officer of Global AHJ Group. Graduate of Historic Fairmont Heights High School served as Vice President of Student Government. Co-Founder of The Coalition to Save Fairmont Heights High School. Elected in 1974 as the United States' first 18-Year-old Elected Official, to the City Council of Fairmount Heights Md. Featured in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Black America, Who’s Who in Business, and Who’s Who in Government and Politics. Graduate of University of Southern California, B.A. & MBA, John Hopkins University Certificate of Community and Urban Planning and George Washington University Saturday College Graduate Certificate in Paralegal Studies


The Hornets Nest Books tells the untold story of how African American families In the shadow of our Nations Capital City evolved from Slavery to Success. Ex Students & Alumni of Historic Black Fairmont Heights High School include Martin Lawrence, Marvin Gaye, Linda Peaches Greene & Actor ArthurHowardJackson Jr. And the mother of US Senate Candidate Angela Alsobrooks.
- Tyler Perry Jr Mar 26, 2024

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