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The Impossible

The Impossible

Overcoming Unthinkable Abuse

by Ruth Redcay

About The Book

Ruth endured horrific sexual abuse of the worst kind—at the hands of her father. However, she found the strength to forgive and love unreservedly through years of struggle, prayer, God’s intervention, and personal growth.

The story delves into the culture of the Pennsylvania Plain folks, and their very patriarchal society that never questioned a father’s role or authority.

Journey with the author through the trials, tribulations, scars, and pitfalls of early life during and after abuse. Learn—as she did—the power of God’s awesome grace, as He continually spared her in choices that would otherwise have led to total disaster.

Watch the chrysalis form around the caterpillar and evolve into a beautiful butterfly—not without a sea of tears, heartaches galore, and many missed steps along the path. In the end, God’s perfect will and timing brings this butterfly out of the cocoon and Cinderella emerges to shine in God’s love and glory.

Publication date February 25,2023
Language English
ISBN (Paperback)
979-8-88963-145-3 (E-BOOK)
Genre Nonfiction, Autobiography/Biography/Memoir
Pages 308
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)


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